Inter-Institutional Enrollment

跨机构招生是一项计划,允许马里兰大学系统(USM)机构(如下所列)的合格本科生和研究生在其他USM校园选修课程,同时在他们的家庭学校支付学费. 这个项目让学生有机会在澳门十大赌城官方网站(本国机构)扩展他们的学位课程。. 学生在本国和接收院校注册课程, but are billed only by their home institutions.

System Institutions Include:

Bowie State University

Coppin State College

Frostburg State University

Salisbury State University

Towson University

University of Baltimore

University of Maryland at Baltimore

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

University of Maryland Global 校园 (Graduate Only)

 Inter-institutional Registration Eligibility and Restrictions

  • 通过校际招生计划注册课程是在可用空间的基础上进行的.
  • 访问学生必须满足接收院校设定的先决条件或其他标准.
  • 学费 and fees are paid at the home institution.
  • 学生有责任支付与某些课程相关的额外费用(例如.g. studio fees, lab fees, books, study materials, etc.).
  • 学生负责办理特别许可证、停车和其他费用.
  • 学生必须遵守主办机构的注册期限和截止日期.
  • 继续教育课程不能通过机构间注册计划进行.

Undergraduate Students

  • Students must have sophomore standing or above
  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • 学生必须在澳门十大赌城官方网站的全日制学位课程中学习该课程的学期. 全日制状态定义为在澳门十大赌城官方网站注册的学分和在主办机构注册的学分的组合. 综合信贷负荷不能超过在本地机构的常规全日制负荷.
  • At least 50 percent of the credits must be taken at home institution.
  • 学生必须获得其指导学院的批准才能将该课程计入居民学分.

Graduate Students

  • Students must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program.
  • 学生必须获得研究生课程主任的批准才能算作居民学分.

Registration Procedures


  1. 阅读机构间注册程序的所有政策和限制. 学生有责任遵守项目的政策和限制.
  2. 联系你计划修读该课程的院校开设该课程的部门,确定是否需要特别许可. If so, you will need to obtain written permission. This can be in an email or on department letterhead.
  3. 获得一个 Application for Inter-Institutional Enrollment from the Office of the 注册商.
  4. Complete the form and obtain the required approvals and signatures. [Note: In the "Registration Information" section, 所要求的课程信息是指您希望在主办机构学习的课程. 有关资料请参阅各接收院校的课程时间表.] Undergraduate students must obtain approval from their advisor. 研究生必须获得研究生项目主任的批准.
  5. 将填妥的申请表交回澳门十大赌城官方网站在普伦大厅的注册主任办公室进行核实和最终批准. A copy will be returned to you for your records.
  6. 澳门十大赌城官方网站注册办公室将在澳门十大赌城官方网站处理注册,并在澳门十大赌城官方网站的“模拟课程”中为您注册,以反映您希望在主办机构获得的学分数量. This is for billing and enrollment purposes only, and does NOT guarantee course availability at the other institution. Two copies of the form will be returned to you. 你必须带一份复印件给接收院校的机构间注册协调员,并保留一份作为你的记录. 注册将按照主办机构的政策和截止日期进行.
  7. If the course is cancelled, or if you want to change or drop the course, or if you are unable to get approval to enroll, 请立即联系澳门十大赌城官方网站注册办公室. You must NOT drop the course through Registration (Drop/Add) in 爪子. 澳门十大赌城官方网站注册办公室将通知主办机构并进行适当的更改. 未能通知澳门十大赌城官方网站注册办公室可能导致您的记录不及格.
  8. At the end of the semester, 校际课程的成绩由访问院校以正式成绩单的形式发送给澳门十大赌城官方网站教务处. 澳门十大赌城官方网站的注册办公室将把成绩发布到你的记录中. 这些成绩将更新到您的记录中,并转换为澳门十大赌城官方网站的评分系统. 它们用于计算累积平均绩点.


  • 请与您所在机构的机构间注册协调员联系,以完成所需的文书工作并获取有关注册程序的信息.
  • For courses that require permission or approval. 这些信息显示在课程表中的个别课程列表上. Students must contact the instructor and department for permission.
  • 来访学生在上课的第一天注册,并将收到确认注册的电子邮件通知.
  • If the course is cancelled, or if you want to change or drop the course, 你必须立即联系你所在机构的机构间注册协调员和澳门十大赌城官方网站的注册办公室. 未能联系两所大学的校际注册协调员可能会导致您的记录不及格.

Office of the 注册商
Pullen Hall 144
Phone: (301) 687-4346